Doretha Hair Truesdell




Doretha was the wife of the Alfred Hair, the man who started it the Highwaymen movement. She learned to paint at his side and watched and joined a group of self-taught black artists who once sold their paintings out of the trunks of cars, now have paintings hanging in the White House, the State Capital and on mega-yachts.

Doretha’s oil paintings are created from memory. The sky sets the tone for a painting. Her landscapes capture the beauty and feel of old Florida before development cut down so many Royal poinciana, jacaranda and other types of trees. She also paints ocean scenes; the movement of the water is entrancing to her. There is so much energy in her paintings “because they are created with love,” says Doretha. Much emotion emanates from her brilliantly colored artworks – art too beautiful to stay hidden.