Linda VonCino

Watercolor|Pastel/Charcoal|Oil|Fiber Art|Acrylic



My professional career, teaching university computer science was balanced by a lifelong avocation for creating visual arts, drawing, painting and fiber arts. Color, patterns, and emotional impact are important central themes in the works I create.

My creative juices usually run in groups; resulting in “series” of creations. The “Infinity” Series with pieces titled: Infinity #1 in the series; Spring Equinox #2 ; Divide by Zero #3 ; The only true binary #4 (pictured at right), explore the relationships between mathematics and life, Representing math and science concepts visually; often with surprisingly emotional effect. The “visual Haiku” series seeks to interpret my original Haikus into visual arts, the visual rendering; mirroring and invoking emotions also found in the Haiku. Each piece is a two sided partnership of the Haiku written word and the visual interpretation. The succinct Haiku.

Meanwhile, Portraits always occupy me. The human condition; the individual’s story. A portrait is more than a face; it’s the representation of a journey; and if I am successful in the rendering, it a view into the story of the person. Fiber arts. Active meditation is what I call my fiber arts work. I go to my Zen place and create wearable art , from my own designs. Hundreds of pieces over the years. One series I called “the Zen of 100 hats”